Com101 – Signals Are Unmet Needs

Update: I just got my pre-order page on amazon to turn this series into a book!

This is an article in the Communication 101 series.  Click here for the Table of Contents.

We’ve already talked about how emotions are our bodies sending us chemical signals that something is up.  Aside from the four basic emotions of joy, sadness, anger, and fear, what are some other signals that our bodies send to us to let us know we have a need that’s not being met?  How about hunger?  That’s a signal.  Feeling cold and the need to get warm; that’s a signal.  Feeling tired is a signal.  All of these are valid feelings because they are telling us that we have a specific need that is not being met and they don’t blame other people for it.

I’m going to break down this topic in to a couple major articles.  Here they:

  1. Article: Com101 – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  2. Article: Com101 – Needs Maslow’s Model Missed
  3. Article: Com101 – Burbol’s Hierarchy of Happiness
  4. Article: Com101 – Needs & Hiding from Happiness
  5. Article: Com101 – Choosing To Get Our Needs Met

Update: I just got my pre-order page on amazon to turn this series into a book!

What next?

If you’ve read all those articles listed above, you can also check out:

Previous article in this series: Com101 – Stories Become Our Reality

Go back to the Table of Contents.

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