Dominant Leatherwoman, Q&A with Miss Bit

Here is an incredible interview I did with Miss Bit, a Dominant Leatherwoman here in Vegas!

NOTE: scroll down for the table of contents and timestamps of all the questions.

Warning: Kink Responsibly!

  • Don’t hurt yourself.
  • Don’t hurt anyone else. Be and act safely.
  • Educate yourself! Find a local club and get a mentor.
  • If you’re NOT SURE about something, DON’T DO IT!
  • Always have clear, enthusiastic CONSENT
  • Always have and use clear SAFEWORDS
  • Always have SAFETY EQUIPMENT within arm’s reach.
    → Safety Shears, First Aid Kit, Etc.
  • Start Low; Go Slow
  • Watch Video: Why Safewords Fail

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Dominant Leatherwoman, Q&A with Miss Bit

In this video, we explore all the questions in the list below:

▼═══ Time – Questions List ═══▼
00:29 – Miss Bit Started as a Sub?
01:35 – Would you recommend starting as a Sub?
02:18 – Can you describe Sub Crashing?
02:43 – What shifted you from Sub to Dom?
03:32 – Are Brats just Doms and they don’t know it yet?
04:18 – What’s different about the BDSM scene today?
05:05 – You were in a BDSM club? (New York)
05:52 – Vegas’ Leather Uniform Club and charity work?
07:26 – Where did you start with Dom scenes?
08:27 – Favorite stops on your Dom journey?
10:54 – Subs who don’t get limits & boundaries…
11:20 – Red Flags for Subs to watch out for?
11:36 – How to spot a good Dom?
12:17 – Red Flags for new Doms to watch out for?
13:51 – What’s “Dom Drop”?
14:41 – Dom + Female = B.S.?
15:25 – Dom vs Size? Tips?
18:25 – “I don’t play with Brats because…”
19:22 – How can a Sub be playful?
20:35 – A Tea Party for Littles?
21:32 – The Role of Music in Kink?
23:46 – Subs & Pickup Play?
24:07 – Pony Play?
25:48 – Etiquette & Protocol?
27:05 – Protocol as “clearing”?
27:57 – Miss Bit’s Tea House
30:28 – Thank You Miss Bit!

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