Sexy Party Rules – Ladies Only

Found these party rules randomly online.  In case you can’t read the image.  Here there are typed up:


  1. You don’t have to do anything.  That includes watching.
  2. You don’t have to deny yourself anything, provided you can find: (a) participants, (b) equipment, (c) space, and (d) consent to do it.
  3. No dogs.  They are too big, and take up room that could be allotted to voluptuous women.  No lizards or canaries.  They are too small, and may get lost in the chip dip or crushed underfoot by dancers who have thrown Caution to the Winds.
  4. You can come with your monogamous lover, make it with her, and leave your contract unblemished.  You can also come with your vibrator, buzz off, and leave without having broken your vow of celibacy.
  5. If you want to get so high that you can’t take care of yourself, be prepared to have other people take charge of you.  That means we do things like confiscate your car keys.
  6. Bring refreshments.
  7. Come dressed as a character in one of your sexual fantasies.
  8. There is room to crash, but you may not have a pillow all to yourself.
  9. You can bring friends if you think they will enjoy the space.
  10. Women only.
  11. We will provide labels for you toys or equipment.  We will not provide labels for your head space or your behavior.
  12. In case you haven’t guessed by now, or heard all the rumors that have been flying around town, this party is intended to be a celebration of undomesticated female sexual energy.

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