Why Safewords FAIL & how to improve the use of safewords

Here’s a very important topic for the kinky people out there! Safewords CAN fail, so watch this to protect yourself from those situations.

Warning: Kink Responsibly!

  • Don’t hurt yourself.
  • Don’t hurt anyone else. Be and act safely.
  • Educate yourself! Find a local club and get a mentor.
  • If you’re NOT SURE about something, DON’T DO IT!
  • Always have clear, enthusiastic CONSENT
  • Always have and use clear SAFEWORDS
  • Always have SAFETY EQUIPMENT within arm’s reach.
    → Safety Shears, First Aid Kit, Etc.
  • Start Low; Go Slow
  • Watch Video: Why Safewords Fail: https://youtu.be/Fq-pgWMt7qI

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Because people forget to discuss them ahead of time.

Safeword Ideas: “safeword”, “red”, “stop”, ouch, emergency, time out,

Because people purposely don’t use them.

Often Fear or Ego. People don’t want to seem weak. They are trying to impress someone. There are a lot of people around and they feel like the are on the spot because you don’t want them to know or you don’t want them to judge you.

Because weird social pressure from partner

Pressure. Someone makes you feel like a safeword is going to be embarrassing FOR THEM if you use it. (don’t play with them.)

real name. “William, I’m thirsty.” Or “I don’t feel like you heard me”

Because people forget to use them.

It happens. It’s actually easier than you might think.

Again, Safeword Ideas: “safeword”, “red”, “stop”, ouch, emergency, time out,
Because people waited too long before saying it or they didn’t use other words to communicate desired intensity. Things got off the rails and they didn’t say anything.

When to use them? Early and often! Communicate the green, yellow, red scale… also you can add blue.

Also use positive reinforcement. “yes” “more”

Because they can’t speak. Mouth covered or full.

Have backup signals. Double tap like in martial arts. A squeeze, a push away, etc. Something loud you can knock over or kick to get attention.

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