Poly & Relationships – Kinky Poly https://kinkypoly.com Shame-Free Fantasy Fulfillment Wed, 20 Mar 2024 15:37:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.6 https://i0.wp.com/kinkypoly.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-KPA-logo-notext-SOURCE-572x572-in-circle-red-black-on-clear.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Poly & Relationships – Kinky Poly https://kinkypoly.com 32 32 216739995 Worksheet – How to make and share a polyamorous pizza! https://kinkypoly.com/worksheet-how-to-make-and-share-a-polyamorous-pizza/ https://kinkypoly.com/worksheet-how-to-make-and-share-a-polyamorous-pizza/#respond Wed, 20 Mar 2024 15:20:40 +0000 https://kinkypoly.com/?p=3022 Worksheet – How to make and share a polyamorous pizza! Read More »


This is a worksheet I made for talking through the various aspects of a kinky or poly relationship. The idea is to get as clear as possible on what everyone wants and doesn’t want just like when ordering a pizza to share. Every relationship is it’s own combination pizza and you can order as many pizzas you want with as many different people that you want to share them with.

This poly-pizza worksheet is a great way to knock a relationship out of any unspoken gray-areas to get everyone on the same page with the same intentions.

Enjoy! ~Danny

Download worksheet: [ as a pdf ] or [ as a jpg image ] 

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3 Styles of Polyamory https://kinkypoly.com/3-styles-of-polyamory/ https://kinkypoly.com/3-styles-of-polyamory/#respond Wed, 29 Mar 2023 04:04:35 +0000 https://kinkypoly.com/?p=2867

My first instinct is to say, “where is solo poly?” but the more I think about it, the more solo poly can be any of this three.

https://kinkypoly.com/3-styles-of-polyamory/feed/ 0 2867
Your Triggers? Your Responsibility. https://kinkypoly.com/your-triggers-your-responsibility/ https://kinkypoly.com/your-triggers-your-responsibility/#respond Tue, 04 Oct 2022 21:55:34 +0000 https://kinkypoly.com/?p=1578 Your Triggers? Your Responsibility. Read More »


A friend of mine posted this image on Facebook and it sparked a lively discussion about what triggers are and what it means to say it’s “your responsibility.”  Someone called it out as being a little cold and almost blaming others for having triggers.  They painted a picture of having no compassion for someone who’s genuinely experiencing some tough emotion.  At the same time, tiptoeing around other people’s triggers can allow toxic things to unfold like weaponized anxiety.

Personally, I really like the original image text: “Your triggers are your responsibility. It isn’t the world’s obligation to tiptoe around you.”  I read it as a reminder to myself about my triggers and how I manage them as well as being a reminder about other people’s triggers, what I expect from others, and how I interact with them.

I interpret the word “trigger” as a bunch of emotion that unexpectedly rises up in someone which induces a fight-flight-freeze-fawn state, and then leads to some emotion-driven self-preservation actions that may feel like we don’t have a choice in –but we always have a choice, even if we don’t realize it.  From there, the actions we take have consequences.  Claiming an event from the outside world just triggered us is false.  What triggers us is on the inside.  What triggered the emotion, action, and consequences is our interpretation of the outside event through the filter of our past experiences.  We all view the world through our own len(s) that skew reality in an attempt to understand things and protect ourselves. 

So far, I have learned that taking responsibility for my triggers involves: recognizing the emotions that just rose up, recognizing I’m in a fight-flight-freeze-fawn state, recognizing the actions my body wants to take to protect myself in this state (which often feel like default uncontrollable responses), recognizing I always have a choice (including choices like communicating what I’m struggling with like an adult, asking for help, deescalating myself, asking for space, etc.), recognizing I might not actually be in danger in this moment, recognizing the actions I do choose to take have consequences and I will hold myself accountable for them.  All of this recognition might happen in the moment (with A LOT of practice), but more likely, it will come from a place outside the moment.  Probably a long moment of reflection when emotions are low again. 

It’s my job to take responsibility for my triggers so other don’t have to tiptoe around me and so I don’t destroy all my connection or burn bridges.  It’s my job to heal me.

and also

It’s NOT my job to tiptoe around someone else’s triggers, try to “fix them”, take on their emotions, calm them down, or take any responsibility for their triggers.  It’s their job to be responsible for themselves and heal themselves. 

Here is another great image that came up in the discussion to illustrate this:

I used to think empathy and boundaries were obvious and easy.  “Boundaries?  Of course I’ve got boundaries.  Boundaries are where you yell at someone when you’re not happy with them.  And empathy is when you just keep your cool and let the other person yell until they are done yelling.  Right?”  Wrong.  Turns out I was doing empathy and boundaries completely wrong.  After throwing myself into books, communication groups, therapy, and actually practicing with my partners, I now realize, I can have compassion for someone and also remind them how I will and will not be treated during a conflict.  I can be respectful and, at the same time, I can outline the standard of respect someone must display to interact with me.  If they can’t, they lose the privilege of interacting with me until they calm down.

This is my personal approach in situations where someone else is triggered, keep in mind that it’s still evolving.  It’s my job to have and communicate my boundaries as my first priority.  “Don’t yell at me.  I need a time out from this.  Don’t touch me.  If you continue escalating, I’m going to leave.  I need space, I’m leaving now. (etc)”  My second priority is to check in with myself, “do I have the spoons to hold space for this person?”  If I do have the spoons to hold space for the other person, I offer.  “How can I love and support you?  Do you need to vent about someone or something?  Are you looking for someone to problem solve with?  Would you like me to hold space?”  If I don’t have the spoons, I must gently and firmly communicate it.  “I want to hear you but I don’t have the spoons to hold space for this right now.  Can we talk about this later?  Can you call someone else who can support you right now?”

When I’m holding space for someone, I have to remind myself of a few things.  It’s my job to keep checking in with myself and I can stop at any time if I realize I no longer have the spoons for this.  It’s not my job to deescalate them (I have to remind myself as an empath and a people pleaser), instead it’s my job to speak my boundaries and encourage them to deescalate themselves.  It’s not my job to fix their problems (I have to remind my rescuer side), instead it’s my job to listen, validate their emotions, and give genuine empathy.  It’s not my job to let them yell at me (my survival/trauma response from a childhood living with an adult bully was to have no boundaries and let people just yell at me), nor is it acceptable for me to yell back (mirroring is a strong human response).  It is my job to not take things personally and remind them that it’s not okay to yell at me. 

Of course, all that sounds wonderful and logical, but it takes a lot of practice because logic is the first thing to go out the window when emotions are elevated.  That’s why asking for a time out and asking for space are some of my most powerful tools for navigating an emotional moment. 

Practice has also been one of my most powerful tools.  It’s been one of the easiest yet most difficult ways I’ve personally been able to grow with communication around emotions, triggers, and conflicts.  Simply make an agreement with a friend to practice holding space for each other.  Agree to having a phone call once a day where you each pick one item with a small amount of emotion tied to it and share your struggle while the other person holds space.  On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the biggest emotions, pick a topic that it a 2 or 3.  It will usually be something small and silly like, “when you left a wet glass on my book last week, I was upset and hurt.”  Even with small stuff, it’s amazing how difficult it can be to just listen and hold space for each other.

It’s a skill.  The Greek poet Archilochus said, “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations; we fall to the level of our training.”  The more you practice with little things, the more you will find yourself doing it with bigger things or even when triggered.

Hopefully, we’re all doing the best we can before, during, and after we/someone is triggered.  Hopefully, we all have access to the people and resources that will share more tools for navigating and healing triggers.  Hopefully, we’re all regularly facing our past traumas and triggers and slowly chipping away at them, because it takes practice and baby steps.   

Hopefully, we’re all finding the time and energy to chip away at healing ourselves. 

Hopefully, we all heal.

https://kinkypoly.com/your-triggers-your-responsibility/feed/ 0 1578
Why I’m Never Going Back to Monogamy https://kinkypoly.com/why-im-never-going-back-to-monogamy/ https://kinkypoly.com/why-im-never-going-back-to-monogamy/#respond Thu, 27 Jan 2022 23:55:08 +0000 https://kinkypolyatheist.com/?p=1479 Why I’m Never Going Back to Monogamy Read More »


I read a random post in a poly group that really inspired me to start typing. The author of the post mentioned how so many people are posting about breakups and heart aches. They sighted how monogamy wasn’t really that hard for them and poly seemed pretty difficult and still people found themselves alone or lonely. Ultimately the poster jokingly asked if any of us thought about just taking a break from poly. With that, I found myself typing a 3 hour reply that I ultimately decided to turn into this blog post. This is why I love and choose poly even when times are difficult…

I will never go back to monogamy. Here’s why.

Poly threw me into the deep end with learning how to face all my self-worth issues; learning how to speak and hold boundaries; and learning all the codependent patterns that I was perpetuating in myself and seeking out again and again in the partners I was attracted to. Multiple partners is a huge catalyst that helps me discover patterns in myself that I need to be addressed. For that, I love poly.

Poly pushed me into learning how to really checkin with myself about my own feelings and needs, then how to communicate my own feelings and needs as well as how to receive everyone else’s feelings and needs. And how to do it all with grace and love. Multiple partners is a huge catalyst that shows me how different people I’m intimate with communicate with me and how different lovers receive my communications. For that, I love poly.

Poly taught me the difference between patterns that perpetuate conflicts vs how every “conflict” is really just an opportunity to have a new conversation that will result in understanding and honoring each other at a deeper level. Again, multiple partners, leads to a lot of practice and growth. For that, I love poly.

Poly threw me into jealousy and jealousy forced me to learn how to stop and listen to this emotion and realize all the things I was missing, had to heal, and had to communicate about me. I no longer view jealousy as “bad”. Rather, I view jealousy as an emotion that is trying to clue me into something much like pain, hunger, and fatigue are trying to alert us to something. Jealousy has become my canary in the coal mine; a little buddy that I’m so thankful for because a chirp of jealousy let’s me know I’ve got something I’m not being honest with myself about and probably not asking for. Jealousy also taught me to listen carefully for the response and actions of the person I’m communicating my needs to because sometimes jealousy is alerting me to someone disregarding my needs as a pattern of neglect. It may be an accidental pattern or an intentional pattern, but it’s a pattern. Sometimes the chirp of jealousy is not about me discovering and communicating my needs at all. Sometimes jealousy is about acknowledging to myself that this person is not the right match for me and I should let them be them and not attempt to change them to fit my expectations. Instead, I can simply accept and love them for who they are. I can accept our differences, where their journey is taking them, and where they are on that journey. Then I can talk to them about it and start taking steps to transition our relationship back to a friendship or to no future interaction at all. Not needing to make my only relationship last and being able to let people be who they are is another reason I love poly.

Poly taught me the difference between my toxic partners and my dream partners. My dream partners are people who are human, make mistakes, have the best of intentions, are self-aware, emotionally mature, take responsibility for their actions, and have earned my patience, love, grace, trust, and understanding regardless of what might go wrong or the situation we find ourselves in. Toxic partners, for me, are people who are human, make mistakes, are not self-aware or emotionally mature, are primarily concerned with themselves, look to blame others, dodge responsibility, can’t/won’t talk through conflicts, focus on who’s right and who’s wrong in conflict, look to punish those they deem “wrong”, don’t care who they hurt, take revenge (aka hurt people on purpose), and will intentionally use my patience, love, grace, trust, and understanding to get what they want while making their current tantrum someone else’s fault. This was a radical discovery for me and my life because it involved really facing my own people pleasing patterns that had me volunteering to bend for people who were literally just using me. I was volunteering for a life of sacrifice and compromise just to stay in a relationship with someone because I loved them. Yet, no amount of sacrifice was ever going to be enough.

Poly taught me relationships do not need to be built on sacrifice and compromise. Relationships can be built on effectively communicating everyone’s wants & needs, then working together to ensure everyone’s wants & needs are met. That is the opposite of compromise. Compromise involves one or more people sacrificing the idea of getting their wants & needs fully met so we can all embrace getting some percentage of our wants & needs met instead. I now know, once everyone’s needs are voiced and understood, we can look for a third option that allows everyone to get exactly what they want & need. I also recognize that effectively communicating my wants & needs as well as clearly receive other people’s requests to get their wants & needs met will be a skill that will take a lifetime of intentional practice. Thankfully, poly will give me plenty of opportunities to practice. 😉

Poly taught me I’m allowed to have it all and I don’t need you to be my everything and I don’t need to be your everything. The most obvious place to see this is in the bedroom. No two connections are the same. The lover I’m soft and gentle with may not be the lover I get rowdy with. I clearly have a need for gentle and a separate need for rough. I get to enjoy exploring these needs with people who love to do the same thing. There is never a reason to turn to the rowdy lover and beg them to be gentle every now and then because they are my only lover. Instead, we get to enjoy exactly what our connection does best and we each get to go seek out other wonderful people who overlap with our specific needs in the bedroom and in every other facet of our lives. There are so many examples of this. I never have to ask my partner who doesn’t love snowboarding to go snowboarding. I never have to ask my partner who doesn’t like dancing to go dancing. There is always someone who is an enthusiastic “yes,” while everyone else is an enthusiastic “go play with them and have fun!”. Now substitute snowboarding vs dancing with paddles vs feathers or wrestling vs cuddling or privacy vs exhibitionism. How about someone to collaborate on a future vs someone to spontaneous go on a road trip with. I can have it all because all my connections want me to have it all and the right partner will surface for the right thing to connect on.

Poly allowed me to process through jealousy and experience compersion; and I’ll never go back. Poly taught me that there is more love out there than I ever thought possible and that I’m allowed to receive all of that love. Poly taught me I don’t have to sacrifice or compromise a connection with a specific person in order to receive a connection from another specific person and if anyone is asking me to do this, then they are not for me. Love is not a limited resource. Love pours out of my from an infinite supply and each of the lovely people in my life pour love on me from their infinite supply. I see poly as an abundance mindset when it comes to love and when I live it, I am engulfed in a flood of love from others and I am also a never ending fountain of love for others. As such, seeing two other people experiencing each other allows me to swell with joy and excitement for all the unique things their connection will bring them. I want them each to have it all; all of life and all the love. This is how if feels when I experience compersion for others. At the same time, having partners flood me with joy, excitement, reassurance, and encouragement for my connection with someone else is absolutely mind blowing. Being on the receiving end of compersion is one of the best things I’ve ever felt. Giving and receiving compersion is a big reason why I will never go back to monogamy.

Most of all, poly surrounded me with community and role models who demonstrated all the things I didn’t know I needed to learn. People who pointed me in the right direction; to the right books; or to keywords to search on. People who stood by me while I took my lumps and learned my lessons the hard way; and there were a lot of lessons.


https://kinkypoly.com/why-im-never-going-back-to-monogamy/feed/ 0 1479
Community, Families, & Kids with Sir Drgn & Sassy https://kinkypoly.com/community-families-kids-with-sir-drgn-sassy/ https://kinkypoly.com/community-families-kids-with-sir-drgn-sassy/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 16:26:00 +0000 https://kinkypolyatheist.com/?p=1128
SCROLL DOWN for TABLE OF CONTENTS on topics & times for this video.

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Table of Contents

00:45 – Poly Community Size & Post-Breakup Actions
01:35 – Support when disagreeing with other partners
02:01 – Community Support & Feedback
04:31 – You CAN still Cheat in Poly
05:41 – We have groups to help figure out…
06:16 – Vegas Poly Discussion Facebook Group
06:27 – Sassy’s Book Club in Vegas
07:28 – Poly and Raising Kids
08:26 – We use the terminology the adults use
10:20 – It’s Not a Secret
12:22 – From “Polycule” to “Family”
13:57 – Kids with Multiple Moms

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Navigate Having Multiple Partners with Sir Drgn & Sassy https://kinkypoly.com/navigate-having-multiple-partners-with-sir-drgn-sassy/ https://kinkypoly.com/navigate-having-multiple-partners-with-sir-drgn-sassy/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 15:13:00 +0000 https://kinkypolyatheist.com/?p=1115
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Table of Contents

00:40 – How many partners do you have & how do you make it work?
01:47 – We’re Friends With Our Metas
03:30 – Our Agreement About Meeting New Partners
04:36 – Feedback On Each Other’s New Partners
07:13 – Veto Power?
08:24 – Rose Colored Glasses
09:50 – Hedonist & Compersion
11:16 – “We don’t go to bed alone.”
12:27 – What do you do when the other person is on a date?
14:04 – A small DS agreement detail: “I’m his memory.”
16:27 – Comparison & Jealousy
18:44 – What’s your type?
19:48 – “Do you like Apples?”
21:35 – Monogamy Compared to Poly (NOT verses Poly)
24:05 – Multiple Partners: Communication & Feedback
27:26 – What’s Danny & Sassy’s Relationship Status?

https://kinkypoly.com/navigate-having-multiple-partners-with-sir-drgn-sassy/feed/ 0 1115
Poly Relationship Styles with Sir Drgn & Sassy https://kinkypoly.com/poly-relationship-styles-with-sir-drgn-sassy/ https://kinkypoly.com/poly-relationship-styles-with-sir-drgn-sassy/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:13:00 +0000 https://kinkypolyatheist.com/?p=1114
SCROLL DOWN for TABLE OF CONTENTS on topics and times for this video.

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Table of contents:

00:46 – Decorating the house with so many people in it
02:31 – DS Dynamic as Nesting Partners
03:35 – What’s your poly relationship style or dynamic?
04:55 – Poly Anarchy
05:37 – What does “primary” mean to you?
08:12 – Poly Anarchy vs Solo Poly?
09:55 – “littles?”
11:02 – Personal Evolution & Relationship Exit Strategies
16:48 – Joint Bank Account
17:55 – Poly People Talk About EVERYTHING
19:04 – Who I’m willing to argue with…
21:34 – Managing Expectations
23:49 – What’s your type?
24:53 – I have a crush on everybody!
26:03 – We build connection in opposite ways

https://kinkypoly.com/poly-relationship-styles-with-sir-drgn-sassy/feed/ 0 1114
Poly Kinky Dating with Sir Drgn & Sassy https://kinkypoly.com/poly-kinky-dating-with-sir-drgn-sassy/ https://kinkypoly.com/poly-kinky-dating-with-sir-drgn-sassy/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 13:00:00 +0000 https://kinkypolyatheist.com/?p=1103
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Interview Table Of Contents:

00:25 – Intros
01:32 – How did you two meet?
01:36 – What’s a “munch”?
02:30 – First Playdate & Safety Protocol
04:31 – A Little Bit About DS Contracts
06:25 – From DS Play To Romance
08:13 – When did you discuss “poly”?
10:28 – Out As Poly with Mom & Dad
11:25 – Hiding being poly, pros and cons
12:58 – Poly? –it’s just a phase
14:07 – Poly leading to deeper same-sex connections
14:42 – Why other relationships are encouraged…
15:11 – Losing yourself in a relationship by sacrificing yourself

https://kinkypoly.com/poly-kinky-dating-with-sir-drgn-sassy/feed/ 0 1103
How to step off The Relationship Escalator https://kinkypoly.com/how-to-step-off-the-relationship-escalator/ https://kinkypoly.com/how-to-step-off-the-relationship-escalator/#respond Wed, 23 Dec 2020 13:33:00 +0000 https://kinkypolyatheist.com/?p=1090
This staircase/escalator is basically all the steps a relationship is supposed to become. It’s a lot of expectations that I’m going to show you how to completely opt out of.

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Imagine a relationship between you and your crush as a staircase. On the first step, you two are hanging out more. On the next step, you actually touch each other a little bit. The next step, you’re kissing, then the next step, you’re dating often, then staying the night at each other’s houses, then introducing each other to family and friends, then moving in together, buying furnicher together, getting married, having kids, buying a house together, planning a retirement, and so on.

This staircase is basically all the steps a relationship is supposed to become. If you’re on one step, then you’re basically expected to be working on moving toward the next step and altimately trying to get to the top. Which is this ideal of a happy married couple. Now instead of a staircase, imagine it’s an escalator. You get on the bottom and you’re in a relationship that is expected to automatically keep escalating and carring you to the top.

This is the relationships escalator. I first heard about this concept in the polyamorous book More Than Two and I love this analogy. I’ll leave a link to the book in the description.

I love this analogy because it describes the unspoken pressure to always push a relationship to be that next thing. It so clearly captures that idea that somehow we should all be looking to be at the top of the escalator because that’s what a successful couple looks like. Happiness and love are at the top of the escalator and so many of us have bought into the story that we need to race to that top of this thing to be happy and successful at love.

I used to believe this because this is what society and tv and movies all sold to me my whole life. I thought the goal of life was to find someone, get marries, settle down, and be happy. I believed this tale so strongly that I felt like being single was somehow a failure and something to feel shameful about. TV and movies made it seem pretty clear that without a happily ever after significant other, I was a loser.

Thank goodness I finally discovered the opposite is true. Step one, you can choose to be happy everyday regardless of who you are dating or how serious your relationship is. Step two, you can turn the escalator off and only climb the steps you want to. In fact, you can stay on any step as long as you want with any person and you can climb as many different staircases as you want or create as many staircases as you want. And life is amazing with this approach.

Here’s an example. I have a friend that I have a crush on that I sometimes cuddle with. I do mean cuddle. No sex. No groping. No kissing. And it’s wonderful. We enjoy being on this step of the staircase and there’s no pressure to escalate the relationship. I have a different friend who I also have a crush on and we go on dates and occasionally we get frisky, but it’s never a requirement and never expected. I also have a friend that I have a crush on who is monogamous. We are strictly friends, that’s the step that we are on. But my heart does flutter sometimes when I’m around her and that’s a pretty wonderful feeling. Finally, I have a crush that I used to get frisky with, but it was leading to a jealous situations with a third party, so we agreed to not be physical anymore. I value this friendship and I’m glad were able take a step down on the staircase and find the perfect spot for us.

Each of these relationships are successful. I have a wonderful cuddle buddy. I have a wonderful crush I’ll never pursue. I have a wonderful friend that I’m no longer physical with.
With all of these people, I’m savoring the step the individual relationships is on.

https://kinkypoly.com/how-to-step-off-the-relationship-escalator/feed/ 0 1090
Metamours: My Partner’s Partners https://kinkypoly.com/metamours-my-partners-partners/ https://kinkypoly.com/metamours-my-partners-partners/#respond Wed, 16 Dec 2020 13:08:00 +0000 https://kinkypolyatheist.com/?p=1063
What are Metamours? What it’s like to be a Metamour. What it’s like to have a Metamour. What it’s like to have two partners who are each other’s Metamour.

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What are Metamours? How to get along with them. Logistics behind having a Meta. How the relationships can unfold.

Meta + Amour. Meta meaning: with or about or something bigger than. Amour meaning love.
Your partner’s other partner is your metamour (or meta). If you have two partners, they are each others Metamour.
There’s two major things to talk about: the logistics behind having a metamour and the relationship between the metamours.
Logistics are things like when to go on dates and how to interact when all at the same party. Where and when does sex happen?
Relationship with metamours; they could simply not know each other, or be indifferent, or just okay with eachother. Sometimes they like having out. Sometimes there’s jealousy between them. Sometimes they just don’t like each other. Maybe someone is triggered or getting red flags.
Both partners want to go out on Friday… what do you do?
You’re living with partner A and partner B is coming over… what do you do?
Is it okay to have sex with partner B in your own house?
Time is usually the biggest point of contention.
If the three of you all end up at the same party, how do you act?
Interactions between Metas
Metas who are introverted? Metas who are standoffish? One on one chats with your meta. Respect and grace. Meta’s can get along and it can be amazing. Ask about how your meta is doing. Checkins with your meta or about your meta. Jealousy with Metas. What if your meta doesn’t like you?
Don’t put the partner that links the metas in the middle of disagreements.

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